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Config app


The ioTracker configurator app can be downloaded at Google Play Store for Android devices. For iOS devices, the ioTracker configurator app is not yet available.

App features

The following steps are currently supported with ioTracker configurator app:

  1. Identify ioTracker 3 devices in discovery mode
  2. Log-in to ioTracker 3
    • automagically, when logged in, for all approximate ioTrackers which you own (only works with factory default passwords, currently)
    • manual entry
  3. View iotracker configuration (raw)
  4. Provision the device with [configuration templates] (
  5. View ioTracker status (e.g., LoRa connectivity, last uplink details, last downlink details, last sensor status)
  6. Set LoRaWAN DevEUI, AppUI, AppKey
  7. Set Wifi SSID and corresponding password for
    • Firmware updates Over-The-Air (FOTA)
  8. Update ioTracker's Date & Time
  9. Initiate Firmware updates Over-The-Air (FOTA)


The ioTracker configurator app only works with ioTracker accounts and ioTracker, respecitvely, created and purchased after 1-2-2022. Reach out to if you are not sure if that is the case.

Furthermore, the ioTracker Configurator App should be provided all required permissions.

Quick start

  1. Set the ioTracker in discovery mode by performing the following steps:
    • Press and keep pressing the ioTracker button
    • When it starts bleeping and the blue LED is blinking, release the ioTracker button and briefly press it again
    • Now the ioTracker should blink the blue LED and be discoverable in the ioTracker configurator app
  2. Open the app to see the list of nearby, discoverable ioTracker devices. Press the refresh button at the bottom right of the ioTracker configurator app.
  3. Once the iotracker appears in the list, click it to proceed to corresponding ioTracker’s login screen.
  4. If you have access to an ioTracker account, you can login by clicking Login and enter your credentials in the online login portal ( Once logged in, you can Load password from ioThings account.
  5. Select the login level you have been access granted for (default: Login Level 2).
  6. Press login and you've successfully connected to your ioTracker via Bluetooth.






This is the main menu, from which you can navigate further.



Click System to:

  • View ioTracker’s software versions
  • Update Date & Time
  • Update firmware


Update Date & Time

Upon pressing this button, the time in the ioTracker will be synced to the time of the mobile phone. Note that when checking for firmware updates, the time will be synchronised to the time as reported by the ioTracker firmware server.

Update firmware

To update the firmware when new firmware is available, once logged in to your ioTracker, in the System menu, pressing the Update firmware button will start the ioTracker firmware update process. This will try to connect to the WiFi network as configured in the WiFi menu. If that succeeds, it will reach out to our firmware server and download and install any new, compatible firmware versions.



Click WiFi to:

  • Update the WiFi SSID and corresponding password as to be used for the FOTA feature



Click Configuration to:


Configuration templates

Click Configuration templates to download a ioTracker configuration to your ioTracker via Bluetooth. Check our Online configurator documentation to learn how to view, create and edit ioTracker configuration templates. Once you have found or created an ioTracker configuration which fits your needs, you can easily download this configuration to your ioTracker device through the following steps.

  1. Make sure you are logged in the ioTracker which you would like to download the (new) configuration to, following the steps as described in the Quick start
  2. Click Configuration templates
  3. Select the configuration which you would like to download to the ioTracker
  4. Click Apply configuration
  5. Click Apply to confirm downloading the new configuration or Cancel to cancel.
  6. Wait for the configuration to be downloaded to the ioTracker.
  7. Upon succesful configuration download, the ioTracker will reboot to apply the new configurations.
  8. You will be redirected to the Login screen with a pop-up message saying Applied configuration. Rebooting device now...
  9. The ioTracker operates with the newly downloaded configuration now







LoRaWAN menu

From the main menu, click Configuration to do any of the following.

Change LoRaWAN keys

  • Click the edit/pencil icon
  • Edit the device's LoRaWAN DevEUI, AppEUI and AppKey
  • Click Save
  • The ioTracker must be rebooted before the new LoRa keys are active


Check LoRaWAN status

  • Active Region: used LoRaWAN frequency band
  • LoRaWAN version: used LoRaWAN specification
  • Join status: JOINED / NOT JOINED (to the LoRaWAN network


  • Time: last uplink timestamp
  • Payload: last sent payload/data
  • Type: CONFIRMED / UNCONFIRMED uplink message
  • DataRate: spreading factor (SF)
  • Channel: LoRaWAN channel the last uplink was sent through
  • TxPower: Transmit power of last uplink messag
  • TxToa: total time of transmission for last uplink message
  • UpCntr: uplink counter


  • Time: last downlink timestamp
  • Payload: last received payload/data
  • DataRate: spreading factor (SF)
  • RxSlot: receive windows in which the downlink was received
  • Port: port through which the downlink was received
  • Rssi: radio signal strength of received downlink message
  • Snr: signal-to-noise ratio of received downlink message
  • ACK: whether the received downlink was an LoRaWAN ACK message
  • DownCntr: downlink counter


Check sensor details

  • Temperature: last measured temperature in degree Celsius and raw bytes
  • Light: last measured light intensity in lux and raw bytes)
  • Accelero XYZ: last measured accelerometer XYZ data since last uplink message
  • Accelero max: maximum accelerometer data since last uplink message
  • Acc History: maximum accelerometer XYZ data measured in history (of past 16 LoRaWAN messages by default)



If logging in keeps on failing and you are sure the entered credentials are correct, the following might help:

  • Forget the paired ioTracker device(s) via the Android bluetooh settings.
  • Clear the ioTracker Configurator app's cache via the Android Apps settings.
  • Close and then start the ioTracker Configurator app
  • Restart the mobile phone